Infinity Eyecare of Denver
In the State of Colorado, it is required to get a contact lens exam and fitting each year to obtain/renew a contact lens Rx. Contact lenses are considered medical devices and need to be evaluated to ensure a proper fit to reduce risk of infection and evaluate the surface of your eyes to ensure contacts can continue to be worn. In addition, doctors need to make sure you are wearing your contacts properly and according to the prescription (frequency, hygene, and proper care). A contact lens exam and fitting is needed regardless of any changes to your prescription.
Contact lenses exams are additional to comprehensive exams. Comprehensive exams include a glasses prescription but do not include a contact lens prescription. Contact lenses are considered medical devices and doctors have to perform additional tests to ensure the proper fit on your eyes to reduce infection. Although your glasses Rx is used as a baseline, contact lens prescriptions are often times different than your glasses Rx and also have to include a specific brand with a specific disposal frequency (monthly, biweekly, or daily). Contact Lens exams are additional charges (with both insurance and self-pay) and the exam is typically performed at the same appointment slot as your comprehensive exam. However, for first time wearers, there is a required training for inserting and removing your contacts which is typically done in a seperate apptointment. The training is a one-time $50 fee and is only required for first-time wearers. You may need more than one appt for the training in which case it is still just a one-time fee, subsequent trainings are free of charge.
The process for new wearers is as follows:
1. Patient will come in for their comprehensive exam and the doctor will discuss with them if they are a good candidate to wear contact lenses. If they are a good candidate to wear contact lenses, the doctor will also determine a contact lens Rx. The doctor will also determine a brand of contact lenses and disposal frequency (monthly, biweekly, daily) based on your Rx, lifestyle, and other factors.
2. We then will schedule a required training and fitting exam. Timing on the exam is dependent on if we have trials in stock of the contacts you are being prescribed, or if we have to order them. The training and fitting exam is 45 minutes. The costs of the this exam is your fitting fee (based on insurance or on self-pay charges) as well as the one-time $50 training fee. You will need to demostrate that you can put contacts in and take them out of your eyes prior to dispensing the contacts to you. If you aren't able to do that in the first training, we will schedule you another training (free of charge). By law, we cannot dispense your contacts to you without a proper training and the ability to take your contacts in and out on your own.
3. Once you are done with your trainings and can take your contacts in and out on your own, we ask you to take the trials and try them in the real world prior to finalzing your contact lens prescription. Especialy for new wears, we want to ensure the contacts feel comfortable, provide clear vision, can be worn for long periods of time, etc before we finalize your prescription. Once you try the trials, you can call or email us and we will provide your final prescription to you by the method discussed in office. If you do not like the contacts feel or Rx, we will schedule you to come back in and reevaluate the Rx and/or brand.